Elder Care & Special Needs Life Management

Life Management Advocacy

Life Management Advocacy Plan (LifeMap)  

Vital Care Partners, previously IKOR of NYC and Long Island, are independent advocates focused on meeting the needs of our clients. Different from other Life Management organizations that serve the needs of seniors and the disabled, we are advocates first, providing guidance, planning, oversight and the implementation of plans designed to focus on our client’s critical life challenges. Whether you are a family member caring for a relative, contemplating your own needs as you age, or a professional considering the appropriate resources for your clients, Vital Care Partners provides the guidance you can count on. Vital Care Partners provides both a LifeMap, which is an assessment and plan, as well as a full comprehensive assessment, which is much more detailed. Our services include assisting with the following:

  • Living Arrangements – We assist with identifying the best living place. Whether the client continues to live at home or within a community, our priority is to objectively identify the right resources and assist with making safe and secure choices.

  • Coordination and Oversight of Life Services –Vital Care Partners knows how to create and then implement a plan that coordinates all aspects of life. VCP has the oversight to assure that the plan continues on the right path and continues to provide the best outcome with the highest quality services.

  • Independence – Vital Care Partners strives to bring our clients the highest level of independence; whether to help them age at home or locate a home that meets their needs and can address their physical limitations. We have the expertise to assist our clients to meet their goals.

  • Addressing Predatory Issues – A major concern when assisting seniors or the disabled is the problem of predatory threats. Vital Care Partners can often identify the presence of predatory behavior and act quickly to deal with it effectively. Vital Care Partners has been instrumental in bringing predators before the legal system while assuring the client’s best interests are secure.

For more information about our Life Management Plan, please contact us at 1-800-227-0373 or (516) 472-0138, or email us at info@vitalcarepartners.com.

Additional services:

Medical Advocacy Services
Financial Support Services
Disability Advocacy Services